Scarp Landscape Architecture provides visualisation services to the development planning and design sectors. Our services include preparation of detailed artist’s sketches (eye-level views and axonometrics), 3D computer modelling, zones of theoretical visibility (ZTVs) and the production of Accurate Visual Representations (AVRs) in the form of wireframes or photomontages.
Our ZTV and AVR work is prepared to a high degree of accuracy and can be robustly defended at public inquiries. It is undertaken in accordance with national best practice guidance, including:
- ‘Photography and Photomontage in Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment’ (Landscape Institute Advice Note 01/11, March 2011).
- Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (GLVIA); Third Edition, The Landscape Institute and the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment, 2013.
We use 3D computer software to produce a wide range of visualisations with a high degree of accuracy; from simple wireframe images to identify the horizontal and vertical extent of a development proposal to rendered, fully detailed photomontages that can be used to support landscape and visual impact assessment studies.
We also use 3D computer software to produce accurate cross-sections for assessment of the effects of development proposals on existing views, landscape character and the settings of heritage resources and settlements.
To assess the potential visibility of a development from the surrounding landscape, we use three dimensional computer ground modelling software to generate diagrams which show the areas of visibility and non-visibility. These ZTV studies are an important tool for accurately identifying the potential landscape and visual effects of the scale and extent of new built development in the wider landscape. They can be used not only to support Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) studies, but also to inform strategies for guiding development away from visually prominent locations and to inform locational and design guidelines for new rural and urban development.