Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
Harwell Campus with its distinctive Diamond Light Source synchrotron facility
Scarp worked in association with Exterior Architecture to prepare a Framework Masterplan for the 280ha Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, a world-renowned science and technology campus in the North Wessex Downs AONB.
This Framework Masterplan establishes a set of principles for future development at the Campus in the context of its AONB setting. It seeks to strike a balance between conserving the character and special qualities of the AONB, whilst recognising the campus as a distinct and significant feature within the wider landscape which should be valued and celebrated in its own right.
The Framework Masterplan was informed by an analysis of the constraints, capacities and opportunities at Harwell, and was supported by various technical reports on landscape and visual issues. A campus-wide landscape strategy was prepared in parallel with separate ecology and tree strategies. It included a review of potential approaches for addressing, for example, public access, woodland design, recreation opportunities, habitat creation, greenways and landscape frameworks.
The landscape and visual appraisal work included preparation of wireframe photomontages, which tested different development heights in order to understand the implications of a range development heights across the Campus. This building height work stream led to the development of a campus-wide Heights Parameters Plan.
Scarp subsequently prepared the landscape and visual impact assessment chapters for the Environmental Statements associated with a wide range of large-scale development proposals across the campus.
Scarp staff also provided written and verbal representations on behalf of the Campus to the Vale of White Horse Draft Local Plan Examination in Public.
Harwell Campus Framework Masterplan